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Welcome... these are the product design outcome from Mario Moncada´s work.

"Reinventig the hood"...


Design Project made in collaboration with ELICA Mexico.

ELICA is a kitchen hood design Italian company, always looking for a new language and perspective to achieve the creation of breakingthrough designs and features in their products. 
The project consisted in the re-design of a kitchen hood, making it a design object and a highly esthetic element of the kitchen, instead of just a “machine”, including illumination and, of course, fuses together design and functionality.

"Disculpen las moestias, esto es una Revolución"...

//"Sorry for the inconvenience, this is a Revolution"//

The fuse of these elements gave birth to this Project, which, represents y attemps to comunicate in each piece the ideas of the EZLN (Ejercito zapatista de liberación Nacional) and its leader, known as “EL Subcomandante Marcos”.

The EZLN is a southern Mexican indigenous army fighting peacefully for their indigenous territorial, political and human rights.
Their ideology defends their right to the land and freedom and the achievement of true justice.

The pieces are a set of body piercings based in the idea of the “Dignidad rebelde” (rebel dignity) of the EZLN. Each piece is inspired by the quotes of the “Subcomandante Marcos”, EZLN leader..

"It's MIG !"...

Scandinavian design is well known for being simple, functional, light and clean.

The project brief consisted in the redesign of a “shoe-box” or a “memory-box” , the task was the reinterpretation of that typical object (box) you put under your bed to store your precious belongings or objects, etc.

The design of the new “shoe box” was meant to be sober, and it had to mutate, adapt, transform and gain personality once it’s being used.

The MIG concept is based in a completely neutral and empty object, MIG will acquire volume, color and shape as the user places objects in it.

The MIG design is formed by a cubic detachable aluminum frame and a transparent elastic polyester yarn web within it..

The object is grace-less without the user, every user is different, therefore, every MIG will be different.

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